Meditation and Yoga


Tune within… . Notice the flow of your breath … . Welcome this new moment…  Begin again… . Relax into your true nature… . Be Comfortable… . Open to your full inner potential… . Rest your awareness on the infinite now… . Be still… .

Are you feeling drawn to slow down, center yourself, meditate?

Meditation is meant to be simple… . Simple is profound… . Meditation is a powerful, transformational mind training practice to relax and blossom naturally into our true being… primarily by turning our attention into the now… moment by moment.

There are many tools to meditate. All are like gentle rivers leading to the one serene sea of nowness awareness.

I am happy to serve as your gentle guide, that you may explore and cultivate the practice that is best suited for you.

I developed and teach a course on meditation (called “Yoga of Meditation”); which explores different meditation styles  with application for wellness, creativity and sustainability — at Pratt Institute, School of Continuing and Professional Studies, Integrative Mind and Body Program (Brooklyn, NY).

In addition, my other workshops and classes, whether my Music Improvisation for the Soul or Living Your Vision workshops, all include guided meditation as the foundation from which aligned action can flow.


Yoga means Union… . Union of All of Who We Are with the Intelligence of the Universe… It is achieved optimally through cultivating alignment, thanks to a steady and comfortable body-mind-Spirit training practice such as Yoga. There are several types of Yoga. In my classes, I refer primarily to Integral Yoga, Level 1, which integrates physical postures or Asanas (also called Hatha Yoga), with a few breathing practices or Pranayama; brief Chanting; a guided, deep relaxation or Yoga Nidra; and Meditation. The Integral Yoga Teacher Training that I graduated from at Integral Yoga Institute (NYC) is under the lineage of Swami Satchidananda, and is grounded on Raja Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga, a spiritual approach to Yoga based on the study and practice of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

Please contact me regarding my upcoming meditation and/or yoga classes schedule and location.

I am also available to create customized recordings of guided meditation upon request, based on individual needs for healing, spiritual and/or personal growth –with the option to add gentle original musical accompaniment for optimal relaxation, mood upliftment and inspiration.

Our first 30-minute phone consultation is free of charge and without obligation, to determine whether to work together.

Please contact me regarding scheduling your free, 30-minute consultation to explore how we might plan a customized, guided meditation recording to best suit your needs.

Fee: $100 per hour